Choral Ensembles Concert: Epic Myths and Legends

Choral Ensembles Concert: Epic Myths and Legends
Saturday, Oct. 14 Georgia College & State University’s three choral ensembles will present a combined concert at 7:30 p.m. in First Baptist Church, 330 S. Liberty Street. “Epic Myths and Legends” will feature choral works about mythology and folklore. These stories come from a variety of cultures including Alaska Native, First Nations, Greek, Haitian, Italian, Native American, Norse, Onondaga Nation, Scottish, Taiwanese and Yoruban. The choirs will perform works by noteworthy composers like Carol Barnett, Edward Elgar, George Frideric Handel, Judy A. Rose, Randall Z. Stroope and Joan Szymko. Conductors include Dr. Jennifer Flory, Tyler Harris, Dr. Christopher Hendley and Hallie Thompson. The choirs will be joined by pianists Dr. Lev Ryabinin and Dr. Hue Jang, plus the following special guest musicians: Jared Bryant (oboe), Calista Koch (harp), Steven Taylor (cello), Breanna Thompson (trumpet) and Mia Eaton, Cameron Sparks and Dr. Rob Sumowski (percussion). A $5 donation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GC Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email or call 478-445-8289.