Guest Artist Recital: The Catacoustic Consort: "Secret of the Muse"

Guest Artist Recital: The Catacoustic Consort: "Secret of the Muse"
Magnolia BallroomTuesday, Feb. 20 Georgia College & State University’s Music Department presents The Catacoustic Consort performing “Secret of the Muse” at 7:30 p.m. in Magnolia Ballroom. Guest artists and soprano Melissa Harvey with pardessus de viole Annalisa Pappano and Joanna Blendulf will entertain audiences with popular opera arias from 18th Century France. Prior to the performance at 7:30 pm, Dr. David de Posada from GCSU’s Department of World Languages and Cultures will give a lecture about the concert. It was invented in France, so aristocratic women could play newly popular violin music from Italy on a socially accepted instrument. The violin had lower-class associations at the time. The pardessus became wildly popular with French women for about 60 years until the French Revolution made it dangerous to be associated with anything upper class. This leaves a wealth of unknown and no longer played music to be explored. This concert will also be livestreamed at A $5 donation is encouraged. All proceeds benefit music scholarships or the GCSU Department of Music through GCSU Foundation, Inc. For more information, please email or call 478-445-8289.