Open Enrollment Ends Friday, Nov. 3rd

Open Enrollment Ends Friday, Nov. 3rd

Open Enrollment is currently underway and will last until Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. This is the time of year for you to review your current health coverage, review any changes to plans since last year and make your elections for calendar year 2024. Details can be found at the USG Benefits website.

This is an active open enrollment, so this year everyone is encouraged to review and take action on the following:

  • Certification questions (tobacco & working spouse): Be sure to answer all applicable certification questions; failure to do so will result in default surcharges of $150 per month, up to $600 per month total based on your covered dependents and/or spouse.
  • FSA - if you elected to contribute to a Flexible Spending Account for 2023, you must re-enroll for 2024. The FSA is one of the few plans that will not automatically rollover year to year.
  • Beneficiaries - nobody wants to talk about beneficiaries or the potential to ever need to make sure they're in place, but while you're reviewing your information, take a few moments to ensure you have a beneficiary, or beneficiaries, setup for the basic life insurance you are offered through the USG, any supplemental life insurance you may elect, your mandatory retirement plan (TRS or ORP) any supplemental life insurance plan(s) you elect [403(b) and/or 457(b)] and your Health Savings Account if you contribute to the Consumer Choice HSA/high deductible health plan. 

GCSU Benefits will be set up in the Library, room 302 one final time during Open Enrollment to offer assistance with enrollment and/or to answer employee questions. Please come see us on Thursday, Nov. 2, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Employees may also schedule an appointment to come to the Wooten-Garner House conference room for assistance Friday, Nov. 3, if none of the above dates/times coordinate with your availability. Please contact to make an appointment for this date. 

Please make your benefit elections for 2024 by visiting and clicking on Manage My Benefits, or by calling the OneUSG Connect Benefits Call Center at 1-844-587-4236. This two week window of opportunity closes soon!

Updated: 2023-10-31
Human Resources, Office of