GCSU's Visiting Writers Series Book Launch and Reading for former GCSU Creative Writing Poet-in-Residence Alice Friman, along with readings by MFA Students Daniel Johnston and Christian Gurrola

GCSU's Visiting Writers Series Book Launch and Reading for former GCSU Creative Writing Poet-in-Residence Alice Friman, along with readings by MFA Students Daniel Johnston and Christian Gurrola
Georgia College & State University's Visiting Writers Series Book Launch for former GCSU Creative Writing Poet-in-Residence Alice Friman, along with readings by MFA Students Daniel Johnston and Christian Gurrola.
Feb. 12, 2024
6:30-7:30 p.m.
Museum Education Room
Alice Friman's new collection On the Overnight Train New and Selected poems will be available for purchase and signing.
Alice Friman’s eighth collection of poems, On the Overnight Train: New and Selected from LSU Press. Her last books, also from LSU are Blood Weather, The View from Saturn and Vinculum, which won the Georgia author of the year award in poetry. A recipient of two Pushcart Prizes and included in Best American Poetry, she's won many prizes and has been published in Poetry, Ploughshares, Plume, Georgia Review, Gettysburg Review, Crazyhorse, Poetry East, Massachusetts Review and many others. Her website is alicefrimanpoet.com.