English, Department of

Event    Thursday, October 31, 2024
On Oct. 31, from 6 until 8:30 p.m., we will watch a Halloween-related film and have a brief discussion afterwards. Free dinner and snacks will be provided. Costumes are encouraged!
Event    Friday, November 15, 2024
Come, celebrate the publication of Peter Selgin's latest novel A Boy's Guide to Outer Space on Friday, Nov. 15, at the Georgia Writer's Museum. To register for the event, please visit: https://www.georgiawritersmuseum.org/a-boys-guide-to-outer-space/.Peter Selgin is the author of Drowning Lessons, winner of the 2007 Flannery O’Connor Award for Fiction. He is the author of two children’s books, three books on the craft of writing, two essay collections and three novels, including the...
Announcement    Tuesday, September 24, 2024
Congratulations to 2022 B.A. in English with a creative writing concentration graduate Olivia McClure! Her poem, "Something about Me," has been selected for inclusion in the Best New Poets, an annual anthology of 50 poems from emerging writers nationwide. The anthology was edited this year by poet Anders Carlson-Wee. Olivia in now an MFA student in poetry at University of Maryland on a full-graduate fellowship https://www.bestnewpoets.org/finalists.php.
Announcement    Monday, September 23, 2024
The Georgia and Carolinas College English Association Autumn Conference will be held at Georgia College & State University Oct. 4 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. in Kilpatrick Hall. This regional conference will welcome speakers from around the south to discuss diverse topics such as Edgar Allen Poe and Taylor Swift; rhetoric and the environment; Afrofuturism; and Paradise Lost. The conference will conclude with a tour of Andalusia.GCSU's own Dr. Jennifer Flaherty will be the keynote speaker.
Event    Friday, October 4, 2024
The Georgia and Carolinas College English Association Autumn Conference will be held at Georgia College & State University Oct. 4. This regional conference will welcome speakers from around the south to discuss diverse topics such as Edgar Allen Poe and Taylor Swift; rhetoric and the environment; Afrofuturism; and Paradise Lost. The conference will conclude with a tour of Andalusia.GCSU's own Dr. Jennifer Flaherty will be the keynote speaker.
Announcement    Monday, September 30, 2024
Georgia College & State University's MFA program was asked by the organizers of the Decatur Book Festival (with 60k in attendance) to participate in the Student Emerging Writers Stage event this year.https://decaturbookfestival.com/decatur-book-festival-2024/We are thrilled for the following GCSU's MFA students who will share their fiction, poetry and creative nonfiction:Ash Earnhardt, Noah Lorey, Richard Lassiter, Dan Johnston, Emma Garcia, Christina Faber, Michaela Reed, Nathanael...
Announcement    Tuesday, September 17, 2024
The International Literature Festival Berlin is one of the most important literature festivals in the world. Every year in September, the festival brings international authors together in Berlin for book premieres, readings and panel discussions. At the festival, literature enthusiasts have the extraordinary opportunity to gain curated insights into the fascinating world of literature - and have been doing so for over 20 years. Dr. Chika Unigwe, whose works have been translated into...
Announcement    Tuesday, August 27, 2024
Dr. Kerry James Evans, assistant professor of English, is named the Honorable Mention Winner of The Backwaters Press Prize in Poetry/University of Nebraska Press. He will be awarded $1,000 and his manuscript, Nine Persimmons, will be published in spring 2026.  Of Nine Persimmons, Judge Tomás Q. Morín said: “’I play it out measure by measure,’ writes Kerry James Evans. And those soulful measures are filled with a music that is unabashedly Southern. These poems are haunted, full of grit...