Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU - Spring 2024

Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU - Spring 2024
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) often hears from students about how instructors impact their learning and personal growth, making them self-actualized in their endeavors. So, as an ongoing basis of support, CTL instituted a Thank-a-Teacher program in the Fall of 2021 to acknowledge instructors' contributions to our students. During the Fall 2021 semester, we collected and distributed almost 400 student acknowledgments, and we're excited to hear that some faculty are using student nominations in their tenure and promotion portfolios.
After collecting student feedback, we will provide the named instructors with a certificate and letter acknowledging their nominations. We also post instructor nominations on our website.
Teaching has many intrinsic rewards, but we want to provide instructors with a documented way to show their value to students.
Please encourage students to follow this link to complete the Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU form. They can also watch a short Thank-a-Teacher @ GCSU promotional video.
For questions, don't hesitate to contact the Center for Teaching & Learning at or 478-445-2520.