Mass Communication student interns abroad in Ireland
By: University Communications Intern Sicilia Reed
Q: Describe who you are and how you came to be a part of your major at Georgia College & State University.
A. My name is Sydney Zeff. I consider myself a pop culture fanatic. I've always been captivated by the media, writing, reading and learning about brands and companies and how they position themselves to the media and an audience.
I wanted to choose a major that aligned with my interests and something that I could see myself enjoying for the rest of my life. Mass communication was the perfect fit for me. It allows me to not only gain knowledge about my concentration, public relations, but take classes that expand into industries like advertising, marketing, film, TV and radio that allow me to better understand strategic communication and what it means to work as a PR professional.

Q: What stands out to you within your major?
A: I praise the GCSU Mass Communication Department for preparing students with a well-rounded amount of work experience prior to graduation. We are required to complete two practicums. My first practicum was with Bobcat Multimedia as social media and web manager. This first step into the communication field allowed me to gain knowledge on content creation, graphics design and the importance of maintaining consistent brand image and messaging. My second practicum was with the International Education Center. As a practicum student for IEC, me and another practicum student, Ansley Hill, created and designed a bi-monthly digital news magazine, “CrossRoad” that provides information, news and updates on GCSU international education, International Club and study abroad opportunities for students on campus. This practicum was the steppingstone to the opportunity I now have as a student intern for the IEC. Both opportunities have impacted and strengthened my skills as a strategic communication student while allowing me to gain relevant experience for my resume and portfolio.
Q: What has your biggest challenge been in translating your classroom skills to your position now?
A: My biggest challenge from translating classroom skills to position now is overall confidence. As a student, I only have knowledge about the media, PR, etc. from what I've learned in my courses over the years. I came into this internship very scared and apprehensive that I could make a difference in the work that I would be involved in.
Fortunately, I was very wrong about this. I have gotten the opportunity to pitch to numerous journalists from media outlets like BBC, Forbes, The Independent, etc. I've had a hand in brainstorming for PR campaigns, and one of my ideas for the refurbished phone company, Swappie, sparked their interest and will be used in their upcoming campaign.
Q: Why did studying abroad call to you, focusing on Ireland as your final decision where you wanted to go?
A: I love to travel and am continually amazed by the vastness of the world we live in. I have always been drawn to stepping out of my comfort zone and experiencing new places, meeting people from various backgrounds, and getting to learn and immerse myself in an entirely different culture and atmosphere than those I am typically surrounded by. In summer of 2023, I studied abroad in London, England, with ISA (an outside program that partners with GCSU) for three weeks. London is a melting pot of various languages, foods, backgrounds and is so rich in history and culture. Returning to the States after my study abroad program, I was eager for any chance to travel abroad again. I was needed to complete my internship requirement for my degree, so I thought, ‘Why not do an internship abroad?’ After many weeks of research into where in the world I wanted to go, I was drawn to Ireland. Its vibrant culture, its beautifully green landscapes, and Dublin’s evolving status as a business and entertainment capital made me very committed to experience and work in Ireland.
Q: How did you decide on this internship?
A: The program I applied for, ISA, connected me with Hopscotch Europe. I went through a series of interviews with ISA’s internship placement team where I informed them on my career goals and what I desire to get out of an international internship. My resume, CV and portfolio was sent to Hopscotch Europe through ISA. Upon the company’s interest, I was asked to interview the human capital director of Hopscotch Europe and take a creative writing and skills test for the agency. Shortly after, I was offered the internship position
Q: How did your time abroad influence you and your future career goals?
A: I work as a PR and Social Media Coordinator at Hopscotch Europe, one of the worlds’ leading communications agencies. I have worked with clients such as Wilson Sporting Goods, On Location, PixMob and Swappie.
The study abroad has been so eye-opening in helping me determine what I want in a job after completing my degree. I have learned and observed in real-time the concepts I studied over the past three years at GCSU. Working at a large agency like Hopscotch, which has 100+ clients and targets 42 markets, is incredibly fast paced, with many different clients to manage simultaneously. Being immersed in this environment has honed my ability to think on my feet, be proactive and expand my creativity in multiple ways. As a result, I enjoy working in an agency setting and assisting with numerous accounts.
Q: What lessons will you be taking back to Georgia College as you continue your pursuit of your degree?
A: I not only love the agency I get to work in and the impressive client list and projects I am involved with, but the people I'm surrounded by have greatly influenced my overall experience abroad. The office is full of PR professionals from all around Europe, including Ireland, France, Belgium, Italy and Spain. I not only learn how an agency operates but also see it done in an international setting with people from various countries and cultures. When I go back to Georgia College, I'm excited to share the newfound global perspective I have on the PR industry.
I made connections and friendships that I will cherish for the rest of my life, and I am so thankful to have been given the opportunity to intern at Hopscotch Europe for the past two months.
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