Join us for last Adopt-a-Stream monitoring of the semester

Join us for last Adopt-a-Stream monitoring of the semester
We've had a wonderful semester of stream monitoring. Join us this Friday for our last events of the semester! On Friday, Dec. 6, we will conduct chemical monitoring of several streams that run through or impact Georgia College & State University:
- Champion Creek at Lake Laurel (9 - 10 a.m.) at Georgia College's East Campus
- Tobler Creek at Andalusia Farm (10:30 a.m. - 12 p.m.)
- Tanyard Creek by College Station (2:30 - 3:30 p.m.)
No experience necessary. Be sure to wear closed-toed shoes that can get wet. We will use Georgia Adopt-a-Stream methods to test temperature, dissolved oxygen, conductivity and pH of the streams, all while enjoying the beauty of Georgia College & State University! Can't make it this time? No worries. We monitor monthly, so check back for more opportunities in the new year.
This is a GCSU Thirst for Knowledge event.
Register today using this link: Questions? Email Ruth Eilers ( to learn more.