Georgia’s Old Governor’s Mansion expands hours for historic holiday decoration display

Georgia’s Old Governor’s Mansion expands hours for historic holiday decoration display
Georgia's Old Governor's Mansion will be open three additional days this season to offer residents throughout Georgia more time to enjoy the annual holiday display at the historic site.
Decked out in period-accurate decorations, the mansion is sure to ignite visitors’ festive spirit. The additional days that the mansion will be open for tours through the end of the year are listed below.
- Monday, Dec. 23
- Friday, Dec. 27
- Monday, Dec. 30
The mansion, which is located on Georgia College & State University’s campus, is generally closed on Mondays and the week after Christmas.
During this period of expanded operation, the mansion will be open from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
General Hours of Operation
The mansion’s general hours of operation are listed as follows:
- 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday
- 2-4 p.m. Sunday
Tours begin on the hour, each hour. The final tour of the day begins at 4 p.m.
Admission Rates
To tour the mansion, the following rates apply:
- $10 for adults
- $7 for senior citizens (60 years and older) and pre-booked adult groups of 10 or more.
- $2 for students.
- Free to children under 6 and all GCSU faculty, staff and students.
To learn more about the Old Governor’s Mansion or reserve a tour, call 478-445-4545.