Employee Parking Permit registration opens April 1

Employee Parking Permit registration opens April 1

Georgia College & State University Parking Services will be implementing several changes to best accommodate parking permit holders and better utilize all available parking spaces. These changes will have several benefits, including guaranteed parking for paying employees.

Beginning April 1, employees will be able to register for parking permits for the upcoming academic year at georgiacollege.aimsparking.com/.

Three types of employee parking permits will be available, with limited quantities of higher priced parking permits available for purchase. Limiting the quantity of available permits will secure parking spaces in the most high-demand parking lots for those that choose to pay the additional cost for their permit. Availability of the parking permits will be determined by the seniority of current employee permit holders.

Employee permit prices (per year with payroll deduction):

o $240 Kilpatrick, Peabody, Liberty and Old Courthouse lots – registration begins April 1

o $160 standard for all other employee spaces – registration begins April 1

o $50 Irwin Street

For employees that select the Irwin Street parking permit, shuttles will be available throughout the workday. Shuttles will serve the Irwin Street Lot (every 6-10 minutes) Monday – Friday from 7 a.m. – 6 p.m. Employees are encouraged to download the PassioGo app to track shuttle schedules and locations.

For questions and concerns, please contact Parking and Transportation at 478-445-7433 or parking@gcsu.edu.

Updated: 2025-03-13
Parking & Transportation