Reminder: Study Abroad faculty-led program proposals. Cycle closing April 1.
Reminder: Study Abroad faculty-led program proposals. Cycle closing April 1.
Proposals for spring and summer 2026 are being accepted in this cycle. The updated 2025/2026 faculty-led Study Abroad program proposal form - plus national “best practice” resources for organizing and leading faculty-led programs - is available from this MyGCSU link: Developing a Faculty-Led Study Abroad Program. Unify login credentials are required. Proposals completed using last year's form will be accepted this cycle.
When submitting, complete each section of the proposal fully, and ensure that the proposal contains the proposer’s signature and date, plus the signatures of the appropriate chairperson and dean. Proposals missing any signatures will be returned. Submit electronic versions of fully completed and signed proposals for consideration by the Education Abroad committee to this special submission address ONLY with the subject line: Study Abroad Proposal. Hard copies of same are also required and are to be forwarded to the International Education Center, CBX 049. Questions? Contact the IEC at (478) 445-4789.
First-time applicants and faculty who would like to develop a study abroad program in the future - but are not sure how to begin - are encouraged to discuss their ideas by contacting James Callaghan, assistant vice president for International Education.