International Education Center

Announcement    Wednesday, March 12, 2025
A reminder that Study Abroad scholarship applications for this cycle are due on March 15.  For application forms and information, contact the International Education Center, or visit the office in the Bone House at 141 S. Clarke Street opposite the Old Governor's Mansion.
Announcement    Friday, February 28, 2025
Because of difficulties with the scholarship application module of the online Study Abroad application system, the deadline for Summer and Fall Study Abroad scholarship applications is extended to March 15.  Students should watch their GCSU email accounts for updates and further information. 
Announcement    Monday, November 11, 2024
Explore The International Education Center through their November News Magazine. This digital magazine offers an insider's perspective on international affairs on campus, study abroad opportunities and student highlights. For additional information, follow @gc_internationalclub on social media or email Read it here:
Announcement    Thursday, October 17, 2024
On Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m., the International Club is sponsoring the Annual International Fest in collaboration with Georgia College & State University’s Student Government Association on Front Campus. Many student organizations and GCSU departments will be participating, including Delta Gamma, the French Club, Geography Club, GC Hillel, Study Abroad, Phi Kappa Phi, Student Engagement, Office of Sustainability and more. Globally themed exhibits will be a central...
Event    Wednesday, October 23, 2024
On Wednesday, Oct. 23, from 5 p.m. until 7 p.m., the International Club is sponsoring the Annual International Fest in collaboration with Georgia College & State University’s Student Government Association on Front Campus. Many student organizations and GCSU departments will be participating, including Delta Gamma, the French Club, Geography Club, GC HIllel, Study Abroad, Phi Kappa Phi, Student Engagement, Office of Sustainability and more. Globally themed exhibits will be a central...
International student sings during the International Fest
Event    Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Spend a month in South Korea and get certified in Teaching English as a Foreign Language! This brand-new GCSU program comprises an eight-week summer course designed to train students in secondary language education, with a focus on non-native speakers of English, including international students within the United States and English learners abroad. The course will consist of four weeks of study abroad through the International TEFL Academy, an organization that specializes in TEFL/TESOL...
Event    Wednesday, September 25, 2024
Spend a month in South Korea and get certified in Teaching English as a Foreign Language! This brand-new GCSU program comprises an eight-week summer course designed to train students in secondary language education, which a focus on non-native speakers of English, including international students within the United States and English learners abroad. The course will consist of four weeks of study abroad through the International TEFL Academy, an organization that specializes in TEFL/TESOL...