Georgia College provides medical supplies to combat COVID-19 statewide
G eorgia College has answered the call in providing medical supplies to aid in the fight against COVID-19 across the state of Georgia. These critical supplies will be used by the Department of Public Health (DPH) and the Georgia Emergency Homeland Security Agency (GEMA) in areas around the state.

“We had a request come from our system office to assess the supplies we have and start conducting inventory,” said Director of Georgia College Public Safety Brett Stanelle. “We started in our Emergency Management team, and we branched out into other units around campus to see what aid we could provide.”
The call for critical medical supplies came from the University System of Georgia (USG) and requested all Public Safety and emergency management personnel to collect medical supplies that are typically used for everything from research and campus maintenance to nursing programs and on-campus health clinics.
"Doing our part to deliver aid during this time of crisis is critical in combatting COVID-19 across the state— but it's also just the right thing to do," said President Steve Dorman. "I'd like to thank all departments at Georgia College for acting swiftly to collect supplies from across campus that will now be distributed by GEMA throughout the state to Georgia's front line medical care workers in dire need."
Departments and offices around Georgia College aided in taking stock of their equipment and pulling supplies to be redistributed. Among those that provided supplies was the Departments of Biology and Chemistry, the Schools of Nursing and Health and Human Performance, the Student Health Center and Facilities Operations. Supplies that were provided includes:
- 115 assorted size containers of hand sanitizer
- 28 face shields
- 650 shoe covers
- 440 pairs of safety glasses/goggles
- 87,377 nitrile/vinyl gloves
- 2 medical ventilators
Dr. Lisa Griffin, director of the School of Health and Human Performance, helped find the supplies within her area. The School donated hand sanitizer and gloves.
"We believe it is essential for all of us to step forward and do what we can humanly do during any time of crisis," said Griffin. "We are proud that GC is getting involved and reaching out asking academic areas for assistance in this time of unchartered waters for our nation and state."

Ventilators have become key in combatting the deadly disease, but the supply of those not in use is dwindling. Georgia College provided two medical ventilators, which the Georgia Department of Natural Resources picked up this past Saturday, March 28—their first stop that day to collect 14 around the state. In total, USG institutions provided 38 ventilators.
“We unfortunately have Georgians who are in need of assistance— and it’s not just Georgia. We’re seeing this crisis have global impacts,” said Stanelle. “The USG and Georgia College wanted to make sure we did our part, especially given the current state of instruction. We knew we had equipment sitting in store rooms that had equipment that could be used for the greater good.
Public Safety delivered the medical supplies on Friday, March 27 to a staging area overseen by the Georgia Department of Transportation. These supplies will be transferred throughout the state to places the DPH and GEMA deem most in need.