
Event    Monday, November 27, 2023
Georgia College & State University's beloved mascot, Thunder, celebrated his 16th birthday yesterday, Nov. 26. CAB, the Office of Student Life and Alumni Relations invite you to celebrate Thunder's milestone birthday with cupcakes and photos with Thunder. Join us at the A&S Fountain today, Monday, Nov. 27, from 12 - 2 p.m.!   
Announcement    Thursday, October 26, 2023
 Happy Asexual Awareness Week! This week, we celebrate and bring visibility to the asexual community (our second-largest LGBTQ+ sub-community on campus)! Come join us this Friday where we will be tabling and handing out infographics and asexual-themed buttons. Help us support, educate, and celebrate our ace community! Our table will be by the A&S fountain from 10 - 2 p.m. 
Event    Friday, October 27, 2023
 Happy Asexual Awareness Week! This week, we celebrate and bring visibility to the asexual community (our second-largest LGBTQ+ sub-community on campus)! Come join us this Friday where we will be tabling and handing out infographics and asexual-themed buttons. Help us support, educate, and celebrate our ace community! Our table will be by the A&S fountain from 10 - 2 p.m. 
Announcement    Friday, October 27, 2023
 Happy Asexual Awareness Week! This week, we celebrate and bring visibility to the asexual community (our second-largest LGBTQ+ sub-community on campus)! Come join us this Friday where we will be tabling and handing out infographics and asexual-themed buttons. Help us support, educate, and celebrate our ace community! Our table will be by the A&S fountain from 10-2 PM. 
Event    Friday, October 27, 2023
 Happy Asexual Awareness Week! This week, we celebrate and bring visibility to the asexual community (our second-largest LGBTQ+ sub-community on campus)! Come join us this Friday where we will be tabling and handing out infographics and asexual-themed buttons. Help us support, educate, and celebrate our ace community! Our table will be by the A&S fountain from 10-2 PM. 
Announcement    Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Are you looking for a way to learn more about our water?  Do you want to get C-bEL components for GC Journeys?  Do you want an excuse to get out to Lake Laurel or Andalusia?  Are you looking for a training certification for your future?  Do you love learning new things?  Stop by the fountain today (Oct. 4) and learn more about GCSU Thirst for Knowledge. We will have information and macroinvertebrates to see and you can do a pH test of water. We will be there from 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Event    Wednesday, October 4, 2023
Are you looking for a way to learn more about our water?  Do you want to get C-bEL components for GC Journeys?  Do you want an excuse to get out to Lake Laurel or Andalusia?  Are you looking for a training certification for your future?  Do you love learning new things?  Stop by the fountain today (Oct. 4) and learn more about GCSU Thirst for Knowledge. We will have information and macroinvertebrates to see and you can do a pH test of water. We will be there from 12:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
GCSU Thirst for Knowledge information
Announcement    Monday, October 2, 2023
It is that time of year, and flu shots are here at Student Health Services. For your convenience, you can get your seasonal flu vaccine on Main Campus by the fountain outside of A&S from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m., Monday, Oct. 2 or Tuesday, Oct. 3.  Drop by anytime these two days during these hours to get your shot. There is no out-of-pocket fee for the flu vaccine. Please bring your insurance card or insurance information when you come.  You can also drop in the Student Health Services clinic...