Staff and faculty are invited to attend a QPR Gatekeeper Training on Tuesday, March 18, from 10 until 11:30 a.m. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a data-informed, highly effective suicide prevention training. QPR teaches participants the warning signs of a person in distress and how to safely and effectively intervene to save a life.To register for the training on March 18, click here: arrange a separate training for your department, please...
Staff and faculty are invited to attend a QPR Gatekeeper Training on Tuesday, March 18, from 10 until 11:30 a.m. QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) is a data-informed, highly effective suicide prevention training. QPR teaches participants the warning signs of a person in distress and how to safely and effectively intervene to save a life.To register for the training on March 18, click here: arrange a separate training for your department, please...
The Bobcats Car Club and Bobcats FIRST invite you to a drop-in workshop to learn how to change a tire on your car. Learning these useful skills empowers us to be prepared and resilient in an unexpected situation. Stop by the A&S Fountain at 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 27, to see a demonstration and even try for yourself.
The Bobcats Car Club and Bobcats FIRST invite you to a drop-in workshop to learn how to change a tire on your car. Learning these useful skills empowers us to be prepared and resilient in an unexpected situation. Stop by the A&S Fountain at 5 p.m. on Thursday, February 27, to see a demonstration and even try for yourself.
The data collected from the National College Health Assessment is critical for many strategic initiatives on campus. These include the QEP, Bobcats FIRST, Counseling, Health Promotion, Health Services, as well as several academic areas also use this data to inform programs, services and initiatives. The NCHA will be administered at Georgia College & State University between Feb. 24 and March 10. To get the most robust response rate, we ask faculty to allow us time to administer the...
The data collected from the National College Health Assessment is critical for many strategic initiatives on campus, including the QEP, Bobcats FIRST. Counseling, Health Promotion, Health Services, as well as several academic areas also use this data to inform programs, services and initiatives. The NCHA will be administered at Georgia College & State University between Feb. 24 and March 10. To get the most robust response rate, we ask faculty to allow us time to administer the survey...
As you are planning your spring 2025 calendars, remember to add your events to GC Connect, Georgia College & State University's hub for student engagement. Bobcats FIRST, GCSU's QEP, is using the Path feature in GC Connect to allow students to track their engagement with wellness programming. When a student attends an event tagged "Bobcats FIRST", they will receive Path credit and incentives along the way. Any event related to one of the four domains of wellbeing (emotional, physical,...
The Office of Student Health and Well-being wants to hear from you. Whether you use the Serenity Den all the time or you've never heard of it, we want your feedback! Your opinions help us make Georgia College & State University a place where well-being is a priority. Please take a few minutes to share your feedback on this brief survey:
Faculty and staff are encouraged to take advantage of an excellent training opportunity that could help save a life. As a five-year initiative of the QEP, we aim to have 50% of all faculty and staff trained in a gatekeeper/suicide prevention program by the end of Year 5 (2029). Question Persuade Refer is an evidence-based, nationally recognized training appropriate for all adults to learn techniques and language to intervene in a crisis. You can learn more about the training on the...
Faculty and staff are encouraged to take advantage of an excellent training opportunity that could help save a life. As a five-year initiative of the QEP, we aim to have 50% of all faculty and staff trained in a gatekeeper/suicide prevention program by the end of Year 5 (2029). Question Persuade Refer is an evidence-based, nationally recognized training appropriate for all adults to learn techniques and language to intervene in a crisis. You can learn more about the training on the...