Student Life & Activities

Announcement    Wednesday, January 24, 2024
Camp Ozark will table at the A&S Fountain Jan. 25 from 8 a.m. until  5 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities.  Camp Ozark strives to provide an incomparable camp environment and experience for kids, through a commitment to excellence in all that they do, while seeking to establish and deepen relationships with Jesus Christ. There are more than 800 summer camp jobs available at incomparable Camp Ozark and they want Bobcats like you to join their team...
Event    Thursday, January 25, 2024
Camp Ozark will table at the A&S Fountain Jan. 25 from 8 a.m. until  5 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities.  Camp Ozark strives to provide an incomparable camp environment and experience for kids, through a commitment to excellence in all that they do, while seeking to establish and deepen relationships with Jesus Christ. There are more than 800 summer camp jobs available at incomparable Camp Ozark and they want Bobcats like you to join their team...
Announcement    Thursday, January 25, 2024
Calling all Bobcats. The Battle of the Bobcats is Thursday, Feb. 15, starting at 7:30 p.m. in Magnolia Ballroom. Whether you are a solo act or part of a band and are interested in showcasing your talent sign up to perform. The winner of Battle of the Bobcats will play at the Georgia College & State University Spring Concert as the opener! If you are in participating please fill out this form found here:
Announcement    Tuesday, January 23, 2024
Come join ENSC club as we host our first meeting of spring semester—a clothing swap. Bring items from your closet that you are ready to give away and come pick up something new. During this meeting we will also cover some of the impacts behind fast fashion and what you can do to alleviate this issue. Welcome back everyone!
Event    Thursday, February 1, 2024
Come join ENSC club as we host our first meeting of spring semester—a clothing swap. Bring items from your closet that you are ready to give away and come pick up something new. During this meeting we will also cover some of the impacts behind fast fashion and what you can do to alleviate this issue. Welcome back everyone!
Announcement    Thursday, February 8, 2024
This year's theme is "Road Trip: It's all about the Journey," a celebration of traveling, locations and fun along the way toward your destination. Homecoming festivities kick-off Monday, Feb. 12, 2024. From cheering on the Bobcats to announcing the Homecoming Court, there will be a lot of fun and exciting activities for all ages to participate in. Please visit for the full schedule of events.  Links to sign up to participate in festivities will close on Friday...
Announcement    Thursday, January 4, 2024
Did you know that every faculty, staff and student with a current active GCSU email address can receive a complimentary full access digital subscription to the New York Times? Follow the quick and simple directions to activate your academic pass: Activate by going to the website type in “Georgia College” and choose that option, input your active GCSU email address for faculty/staff or for students, create a personal password, check your...
Announcement    Thursday, January 4, 2024
The American Democracy Project at Georgia College & State University requests your support for another semester of engaging, lively weekly facilitated conversations on current events and topics of local and/or global public interest in any arts, sciences or humanities discipline or field. Times Talk is celebrating its 19th year as a GCSU campus tradition and a nationally innovative civic engagement program by providing a discussion space in the library for interested faculty, staff,...
Announcement    Monday, January 8, 2024
Camp Highland will table at the A&S Fountain January 10 from 10 a.m. until  2 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities.  Camp Highland crafts impactful experiences that develop leaders and engage the heart through summer camps, family retreats, group retreats and corporate events. Stop by their table to learn more!
Event    Wednesday, January 10, 2024
Camp Highland will table at the A&S Fountain January 10 from 10 a.m. until  2 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities.  Camp Highland crafts impactful experiences that develop leaders and engage the heart through summer camps, family retreats, group retreats and corporate events. Stop by their table to learn more!