Enrollment Management

Announcement    Tuesday, April 11, 2023
The purpose of this series is to provide an overview of how the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences engages freshman students.  Please follow this link for registration and upcoming event details. For questions about the event, contact Lauren Easom or Dr. Erin Weston in the Office of Student Success at (478)445-5384.
Event    Monday, April 17, 2023
The purpose of this series is to provide an overview of how the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences engages freshman students.  Please follow this link for registration and upcoming event details. For questions about the event, contact Lauren Easom or Dr. Erin Weston in the Office of Student Success at (478)445-5384.
Announcement    Friday, March 17, 2023
The purpose of this series is to provide an overview of the upcoming QEP's mental health focus and how it will connect to student retention.  Please follow this link for registration and upcoming event details. For question about the event, contact Lauren Easom or Dr. Erin Weston in the Office of Student Success and Career Development at (478)445-5384.
Announcement    Wednesday, March 1, 2023
The purpose of this series is to identify, advance, and develop goals, strategies, and activities to increase student persistence, retention, and graduation. The information presented will be data driven and interactive, with a focus on information sharing and consensus building. For more information contact Lauren Easom or Dr. Erin Weston in the Office of Student Success and Career Development at (478)445-5384.
Event    Thursday, March 9, 2023
The purpose of this series is to identify, advance, and develop goals, strategies, and activities to increase student persistence, retention, and graduation. The information presented will be data driven and interactive, with a focus on information sharing and consensus building. For more information contact Lauren Easom or Dr. Erin Weston in the Office of Student Success and Career Development at (478)445-5384.