GCSU Orchestra Concert "Virtuosity," with Guest Artist Calin Lupanu (concertmaster of Charlotte Symphony Orchestra)
Music, Department of    
Tuesday, Oct. 24, at the Georgia College & State University Orchestra will hold its concert, “Virtuosity,” at 7:30 p.m. in Russell Auditorium. This fun and peppy program features the first...

Join the Thunder Crew! Mascot applications now open
Student Life, Office of    
Thunder Crew is an elite group of students who embody the spirit of Georgia College & State University by becoming our beloved mascot, Thunder. Thunder Crew is currently accepting applications...

Be the first to know: Bobcats first tabling event
Student Health and Wellbeing, Office of    
What's all the buzz about the QEP? What in the world is a QEP? Stop by our Bobcats first tabling event Monday, Oct. 16, from 9:30 a.m. until 12 p.m. on Front Campus to be among the first...

Pop-up Thrift Shop at the Bobcats Care Awareness Fair: Oct. 13
Sustainability, Office of    
The Office of Sustainability, Thunder Coalition and the Office of Student Care and Outreach will host a third and final Pop-up Thrift Shop Friday, Oct. 13, at the Bobcats Care Awareness...
Bobcats Care Awareness Fair
Student Life, Office of    
Did you know? Besides a time that we’re welcoming all things Fall, October is also home to many different awareness observations and celebrations! Come out to the Bobcats Care Awareness...

Wellness and Recreation Center Fall Break hours
Wellness & Recreation    
Wellness and Recreation Center Fall Break Hours are as follows: Saturday, Oct. 7: Closed | Sunday, Oct. 8: Closed| Monday, Oct. 9: WRC open: 8 a.m. - 7 p.m./Pool open: 8 a.m. - 10 a.m.,...

GC Miracle wants you
Student Organizations & Clubs    
Calling all students who want to make a change. GC Miracle is searching for leaders on campus who want to be more involved in changing the future of children's healthcare. Apply to be a...
Free community events: First Friday in Downtown Milledgeville
Community Engagement and Service, Office of    
Lots of events in downtown Milledgeville are being planned for Friday, Oct. 6. Take a look at everything that you can do all in one evening. Enjoy live music at The Milly Farmers Market...

STEM Club Meeting: Oct. 4, A&S, room 274 at 6:30 pm
Student Organizations & Clubs    
Come hang out with STEM club to discuss upcoming science cafes and to learn about running for the executive board. We will also plan out the rest of this semester and next semester.

Get your Flu Shot at the Fountain Monday & Tuesday, Oct. 2 & 3 from 12 p.m. to 3 p.m.
Student Health Services    
It is that time of year, and flu shots are here at Student Health Services. For your convenience, you can get your seasonal flu vaccine on Main Campus by the fountain outside of A&S from...