To tick, or not to tick, the "Digital Humanities" box in Watermark
Digital Humanities Collaborative
Faculty, it's that special time of year again to prepare our Individual Faculty Reports in Watermark (formerly Digital Measures). Logging in might feel a bit like solving the riddle of the...
Digital Humanities Collaborative
Faculty, it's that special time of year again to prepare our Individual Faculty Reports in Watermark (formerly Digital Measures). Logging in might feel a bit like solving the riddle of the...
2024 Mileage reimbursement rates
Business & Accounting
The State Accounting office has issued new mileage reimbursement rates for the calendar year effective Jan. 1, 2024. For calendar year 2024, the mileage reimbursement rates for travel are...
Business & Accounting
The State Accounting office has issued new mileage reimbursement rates for the calendar year effective Jan. 1, 2024. For calendar year 2024, the mileage reimbursement rates for travel are...
Georgia Adopt-a-Stream monitoring: You can make a positive impact
Academic Outreach
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Want to learn more about campus while making a positive impact? Join us Friday, January 12, for Chemical Monitoring of Champion Creek at Lake Laurel (9 - 10 a.m.) at Georgia...
Academic Outreach
HAPPY NEW YEAR! Want to learn more about campus while making a positive impact? Join us Friday, January 12, for Chemical Monitoring of Champion Creek at Lake Laurel (9 - 10 a.m.) at Georgia...
Camp Highland Tabling Jan. 10
Career Center
Camp Highland will table at the A&S Fountain January 10 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities. Camp Highland crafts impactful experiences...
Career Center
Camp Highland will table at the A&S Fountain January 10 from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. to share information about available summer employment opportunities. Camp Highland crafts impactful experiences...
Rowing Forward Looking Back by Hannah Israel
Art, Department of
A reception and artist talk will take place for an art exhibition by Hannah Israel Thursday, Jan. 25, from 5 until 7 p.m. at Leland Gallery in Ennis Hall. Her art exhibition will take place...
Art, Department of
A reception and artist talk will take place for an art exhibition by Hannah Israel Thursday, Jan. 25, from 5 until 7 p.m. at Leland Gallery in Ennis Hall. Her art exhibition will take place...
January 2024 Well-being Events
Human Resources, Office of
Happy New Year! Live well-being events, hosted by our trusted partners. These educational webinars and events are open to all employees, retirees and family members; you do not need to be...
Human Resources, Office of
Happy New Year! Live well-being events, hosted by our trusted partners. These educational webinars and events are open to all employees, retirees and family members; you do not need to be...
"Artificial Intelligence in the Holistic Classroom:" Call for nominations
Center for Teaching & Learning
Are you looking to learn more about AI and teaching in academia? If so, please consider the Governor's Teaching Fellows Program (GTF). The Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program, hosted by...
Center for Teaching & Learning
Are you looking to learn more about AI and teaching in academia? If so, please consider the Governor's Teaching Fellows Program (GTF). The Governor’s Teaching Fellows Program, hosted by...
Directions for accessing your complimentary academic pass digital subscription to the New York Times
American Democracy Project
Did you know that every faculty, staff and student with a current active GCSU email address can receive a complimentary full access digital subscription to the New York Times? Follow the...
American Democracy Project
Did you know that every faculty, staff and student with a current active GCSU email address can receive a complimentary full access digital subscription to the New York Times? Follow the...
Seeking guest discussion facilitators for Times Talk Spring semester 2024!
American Democracy Project
The American Democracy Project at Georgia College & State University requests your support for another semester of engaging, lively weekly facilitated conversations on current events and...
American Democracy Project
The American Democracy Project at Georgia College & State University requests your support for another semester of engaging, lively weekly facilitated conversations on current events and...
Continuing & Professional Education
We invite you to read our January Newsletter! The Department of Continuing and Professional Education continues to provide you with a variety of fun programs and course offerings - open...
Continuing & Professional Education
We invite you to read our January Newsletter! The Department of Continuing and Professional Education continues to provide you with a variety of fun programs and course offerings - open...