2023 Required Annual Compliance Training reminder
Human Resources, Office of    
Friendly reminder: All employees (faculty, staff, full-time and part-time) and student workers hired prior to Nov. 1, 2022, must complete the 2023 Required Annual Compliance Training and...
2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Campaign
Human Resources, Office of    
The 2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Campaign runs now through Nov. 30, 2023. This year our new theme is “Working as One for the Good of Many.” The Georgia...
GCSU Opera Scenes Ensemble: "Innocence & Intrigue"
Music, Department of    
Wednesday, Nov. 15, nine Georgia College & State University students will perform six scenes from different operas for the concert, “Innocence and Intrigue,” at 7:30 p.m. in Max Noah Recital...
Career Center Drop-in Day - No appointment needed!
Career Center    
Need help with job applications or grad school documents? Looking for career advice? Swing by the Career Center in 110 Lanier Hall on Nov. 14 from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. for drop-in appointments...

GCSU Jazz Jam Session at Amici Cafe: Tuesday, Nov. 14
Music, Department of    
Come out and enjoy our GCSU Jazz Jam Session Tuesday, Nov. 14, 7-9 p.m. at Amici Café, downtown Milledgeville, presented by Jazz at Georgia College. Hosted by our faculty and student jazz...
Mental Health Trainings for faculty and staff
Student Health and Wellbeing, Office of    
The USG Mental Health Initiative provides periodic training opportunities for faculty and staff to be better equipped to help a student, colleague or friend in distress. Several dates are...
AMC Movie Night
Student Life, Office of    
CAB Presents ... AMC Movie Night. Come join the Campus Activities Board for opening night of The Marvels. For the first 100 students to sign up, admission will be free and includes a free...
GCSU’s 2023 Coverdell Visiting Scholar holds symposium on democracy 
Government & Sociology, Department of    
War continues in the Ukraine. Widespread conflict threatens the Middle East. Around the world—according to a study released this month by the International Institute for Democracy and Electoral...
High achievers shine with the help of Academic Outreach
School of Continuing and Professional Studies    
A collaboration between Academic Outreach and the High Achievers Program resulted in a field trip to Lake Laurel to learn about water ecology and drew the attention of local media. The High...
Testing deadline approaching for legislative exams
Center for Testing    
The last day for legislative testing including special administration appointments will be Dec. 8.  Seats are still available for students needing to satisfy their legislative requirement(s). ...