Final Exam Registration for Learning Accommodations
Center for Testing
Please note if you are a student who receives testing accommodations, as approved by the Student Disability Resource Center, you may now schedule appointments for your final exams. The registration...
Center for Testing
Please note if you are a student who receives testing accommodations, as approved by the Student Disability Resource Center, you may now schedule appointments for your final exams. The registration...
New training opportunity - Battling Burnout
Human Resources, Office of
The Office of Human Resources is excited to announce a new virtual training opportunity for all employees on Monday, Nov. 20, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. See the link below to register and for...
Human Resources, Office of
The Office of Human Resources is excited to announce a new virtual training opportunity for all employees on Monday, Nov. 20, from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. See the link below to register and for...
Parking advisory – Old Courthouse Parking Lot: Nov. 9
Parking & Transportation
The Old Courthouse parking lot will be partially closed Thursday, Nov. 9. Click to view alternative parking lots.
Parking & Transportation
The Old Courthouse parking lot will be partially closed Thursday, Nov. 9. Click to view alternative parking lots.
Shopping Shuttle not available Nov. 8
Parking & Transportation
The Shopping Shuttle Line will not be available Wednesday, Nov. 8. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at
Parking & Transportation
The Shopping Shuttle Line will not be available Wednesday, Nov. 8. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at
Late-Night Shuttle not available Nov. 9
Parking & Transportation
The Late-Night Shuttle Line will not be available Thursday, Nov. 9. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at
Parking & Transportation
The Late-Night Shuttle Line will not be available Thursday, Nov. 9. View the full shuttle schedule and download the PassioGo app at
Save the date for Research Day
Mentored Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (MURACE)
Share your student research and creative endeavors with the Georgia College & State University community. Please save the date for GCSU Research Day. We welcome student research and creative...
Mentored Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors (MURACE)
Share your student research and creative endeavors with the Georgia College & State University community. Please save the date for GCSU Research Day. We welcome student research and creative...
Alertus Desktop update and testing
Public Safety
The Alertus Desktop application used by Public Safety to relay important emergency alert information to your computer will undergo a scheduled maintenance update and subsequent testing Thursday,...
Public Safety
The Alertus Desktop application used by Public Safety to relay important emergency alert information to your computer will undergo a scheduled maintenance update and subsequent testing Thursday,...
Student Media Day: Get involved
Communication, Department of
Student Media Day is hosted by Bobcat Multimedia, an organization that encompasses official student medias on campus: PRSSA, GC360, The Colonnade, WGUR 95.3 and Bobcat Media Productions...
Communication, Department of
Student Media Day is hosted by Bobcat Multimedia, an organization that encompasses official student medias on campus: PRSSA, GC360, The Colonnade, WGUR 95.3 and Bobcat Media Productions...
Fulbright Virtual Campus visit
National Scholarships Office at Georgia College
On Nov. 14 at 2 p.m., Fulbright U.S. Student Program staff are going to host a virtual info session where they will go over the basics of the Fulbright U.S. Student Scholarship. The Fulbright...
National Scholarships Office at Georgia College
On Nov. 14 at 2 p.m., Fulbright U.S. Student Program staff are going to host a virtual info session where they will go over the basics of the Fulbright U.S. Student Scholarship. The Fulbright...
Donors and volunteers needed: Red Cross Blood Drive Nov. 7 and 8
Community Engagement and Service, Office of
The American Red Cross is seeking donors and volunteers for the blood drive Nov. 7 and 8. The blood drive will be held in the Maxwell Student Union in Donahoo Lounge - first floor. To make...
Community Engagement and Service, Office of
The American Red Cross is seeking donors and volunteers for the blood drive Nov. 7 and 8. The blood drive will be held in the Maxwell Student Union in Donahoo Lounge - first floor. To make...