Rehired Retirees: Reminder to Act Early
Human Resources, Office of    
In order to avoid hiring delays, we strongly encourage you to submit Rehired Retiree Applications ASAP for any full-time and/or part-time rehired retirees that you currently employ and wish...

Daniel Laird GCSU's first PBC Freshman of the Year
Men's cross country runner Daniel Laird was named Peach Belt Conference Freshman of the Year at the 2023 Peach Belt Championship Oct. 21 on the UNG Cross Country Course. He's the first runner...

Art history professor publishes book about Christian art in Tanzania
Art, Department of    
Georgia College & State University Professor of Art History Dr. Fadhili Safieli Mshana has a newly-published book, “African Artists Under Mission Patronage: Focus on Tanzania,” exploring...
Raffle for youth recreation scholarship
Government & Sociology, Department of    
Dr. Cook's students are conducting a raffle to raise funds for youth recreation scholarships in the community through Dec. 1. This is a delinquency prevention initiative. Consider donating...
Another great finish for the Bobcat Bass Team
Student Organizations & Clubs    
The Georgia College & State University Bass Team delivered a standout performance during the Oct. 27 Major League Fishing Open Tournament on Lake Harwell. Josh Finnerty/Trice Cannon (pictured)...
GCSU welcomes Wesley Hardin as the new director of Public Safety and chief of Police
Finance & Administration    
Dear Campus Community, Georgia College & State University welcomes Wesley Hardin as the new director of public safety and chief of police for the Department of Public Safety. He will begin...
Creative Industries Fair - November 7
Career Center    
We cordially invite you to our upcoming Fall 2023 Creative Industries Fair, hosted by the University Career Center.  Date: Tuesday, Nov. 7th Time: 12 – 2 p.m. (1:30 Q&A session with recruiters)...
Open Enrollment ends today
Human Resources, Office of    
Open Enrollment ends today, Friday, Nov. 3, 2023. This is the time of year for you to review your current health coverage, review any changes to plans since last year and make your elections...
2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Campaign
Human Resources, Office of    
The 2023-2024 Georgia State Charitable Contributions Program (GASCCP) Campaign runs now through Nov. 30, 2023. This year our new theme is “Working as One for the Good of Many.” The Georgia...

Leveling Up
Theatre & Dance, Department of    
Two years after graduation, three college roommates are still living in the same house and spending more time playing video games than moving through the outside world. When a big fight...