Positive Behavior Supports Corp Tabling Oct. 16
Career Center    
Positive Behavioral Supports Corp. will be tabling by the A&S Fountain Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. until 12 p.m. PBS has available full-time job opportunities, and they want Georgia College students...
Woodlands Camp Tabling Oct. 16
Career Center    
Woodlands Camp will be tabling at the A&S fountain Oct. 16 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. to share information about available summer job opportunities. Nestled in the foothills of North Georgia's...
Bennett Thrasher Tabling Oct. 16
Career Center    
Bennett Thrasher will be tabling in the Atkinson Lounge Oct. 16 from 10 a.m. until 1 p.m. to tell accounting students about their available internship opportunities. Bennett Thrasher is...

Free Science Communication Workshop: Friday, Oct. 20
Biology & Environmental Sciences, Department of    
Science for Georgia, a non-profit organization, will be conducting a four-hour workshop in science communication on our campus Oct. 20. Science communication is a vital skill for success...
Pop-up Thrift Shop at the Bobcats Care Awareness Fair: Oct. 13
Sustainability, Office of    
The Office of Sustainability, Thunder Coalition and the Office of Student Care and Outreach will host a third and final Pop-up Thrift Shop Friday, Oct. 13, at the Bobcats Care Awareness...
Critical Language Scholarship Information Session
National Scholarships Office at Georgia College    
The National Scholarships Office will host an information session on the Critical Language Scholarship Monday Oct. 16 at 5 p.m. in the Humber-White House. The CLS Program is a funded program...
Bobcats Care Awareness Fair
Student Life, Office of    
Did you know? Besides a time that we’re welcoming all things Fall, October is also home to many different awareness observations and celebrations! Come out to the Bobcats Care Awareness...
Writing Center Graduate Writing Groups 
The Writing Center    
The Writing Center is starting up our Graduate Writing Group program for the fall semester. Please see the attached flyer for dates and locations. 
Writing Center Graduate Writing Groups 
The Writing Center    
The Writing Center is starting up our Graduate Writing Group program for the fall semester. Please see the attached flyer for dates and locations. 
International Fest promises fun for everyone
International Education Center    
On Wednesday, Oct.18, the International Education Center and the International Club, in collaboration with the Student Government Association (SGA), will sponsor the annual International...