Times Talk, Wednesday, Oct. 25, with Dr. Shaundra Walker on “The dream was universal access to knowledge. The result was a fiasco.”  
American Democracy Project    
Please join us this Wednesday, Oct. 25 from 12-12:50 p.m. on the second floor of Russell Library, room 241 for an engaging conversation facilitated by Dr. Shaundra Walker, associate professor...
Open Enrollment begins today
Human Resources, Office of    
Open Enrollment begins today and will last until Nov. 3, 2023. This is the time of year for you to review your current health coverage, review any changes to plans since last year and make...
Shared Sick Leave Program: Enrollment open Oct. 23 - Nov. 3
Human Resources, Office of    
The Annual Shared Sick Leave Program Enrollment Window will be open Monday, Oct. 23, 2023 through Friday, Nov. 3, 2023 for participation effective Jan. 1, 2024. All interested participants,...
Woodlands Camp Tabling Oct. 25
Career Center    
Woodlands Camp will be tabling at the A&S fountain Oct. 25 from 9 a.m. until 2 p.m. to share information about available summer job opportunities. Nestled in the foothills of North Georgia's...
Andalusia Institute book discussion
O'Connor Institute    
Join us Thursday, Oct. 26 at 4:30 p.m. or 7 p.m. (Eastern, virtual) as Dr. Bruce Gentry leads a discussion on Flannery O’Connor letters from the years 1953-55 (in The Habit of Being, pp...

Interdisciplinary studies - Special topics: "East meets West or West meets East?" Music Culture, Politics & Diplomacy at the Ottoman Intersection - Dr. Evren Kutlay,  Spring 2024 Newell scholar
Music, Department of    
Interdisciplinary Studies – Special Topics East meets West or West meets East?  Dr. Evren Kutlay,  Spring 2024 Newell scholar Music Culture, Politics & Diplomacy at the Ottoman Intersection...
Government and Sociology Chair Quoted in Norwegian Media
Government & Sociology, Department of    
Dr. S.E. Buchanan, department chair of Government and Sociology, was quoted this week by a media outlet in Norway about the legal investigations surrounding the 2020 presidential election...
Coro Fellowship in Public Affairs Information Session with Alum Hannah Plumb
National Scholarships Office at Georgia College    
Calling all aspiring public affairs leaders. The Coro Fellowship is an intensive nine month fellowship for recent college graduates wanting to learn more about the expansive world of public...
Flannery O’Connor Book Club
O'Connor Institute    
Calling all Flannery O'Connor enthusiasts. The Andalusia Institute is hosting a book club along with Allied Arts and the Georgia Writers Museum. We will meet in person at the Georgia Writers...
Guest Artist Gary Taxali
Art, Department of    
The Georgia College & State University Department of Art Visiting Artists and Scholars Program presents Gary Taxali via Zoom on Monday, Oct. 23, 5:30-6:30 p.m. Taxali is recognized as one...